Sunday, 5 January 2014

Detox with Broccoli

Happy New Year! I am so looking forward to 2014 and can't believe how in a year I have had a complete career turnaround, swapping Investment banking with Wellbeing and FSA studies for a diploma in Nutrition! It is so amazing to start a year knowing I am doing something I love and working towards a subject I am so passionate about. One of my New Year's resolutions is to keep up this blog no matter how busy I get. So I will attempt to make weekly posts every Sunday even if it consists of one photo or one thought of the day!

At the moment we are studying Biomedicine and so have been learning all about the different systems of the body and how their structure relates to their function. The human body is incredible! Today we did the Digestive System and after an indulgent holiday the part that really sparked my interest was the liver and its detoxifying role. There are two phases to this process and lucky for us our amazing lecturer included a slide of foods and vitamins which induce these phases. The Brassica family so Cabbage, broccoli etc induces both phases and so I thought I would incorporate them into my dinner tonight!

I boiled some sweet potatoes and broccoli then coated them in coconut oil, turmeric and lemon juice. I then added these to a salad of tomatoes, red cabbage, alfafa and radish sprouts. I dressed the salad in olive oil, lemon juice and himalayan salt! 

I made quite a lot so managed to stop eating and put aside some in the fridge to take to work for lunch - sorted! :)